Life after High School
My first taste of freedom was back in 1995. When I was ready to pack for college, I already knew what I needed and wanted for my first official dormitory experience.
Always be prepared as best as possible. If there's no plan B, make one or ask for help.
Things to pack:
- 1 month worth of underwear
- 2 week worth of casual clothes
- 1 week worth of formal clothes
- 1 week worth of sports essentials
- 1 week worth of bathroom essentials
- 1 week worth of bedding essentials
- 1 week worth of winter essentials
- 1 week worth of protective gear and essentials
- Toiletries
- Laundry bag for socks, underwear and shoes
- Foldable Laundry hamper
- Iron
- 1 week worth of kitchenware and utensils
- Water bottle
- Lunchbox/Bento box
- Lunch bag
- Makeup and Beauty essentials bag
- Laptop/School bag
- Stationery
- Gaming console travel bag
- Arts and crafts travel bag
Things to get:
- Groceries
- Portable water heater
- Portable vacuum cleaner
- Cleaning supplies
- Curriculum textbooks
- Class schedule and Planner
- Personal refrigerator bin and labeled with your name
- Accounting ledger
- Mobile phone
- USPS PO Box/UPS private mailbox
- Credit Union Bank account
- Driver's license
- Passport
- Voter's Registration card
- If you own a car, update your car's license plate tag and registration if you haven't already
- Emergency Kit tools for your car
- Emergency First Aid Kit
- CPR certification
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