Back at one for infinitum

 It doesn't matter how old you are because at some point in your life when trials and tribulations occur, you will have to start your life all over again from the ground up. The most important thing is to be good to yourself and don't give up on yourself either..

Relationships do not have to be romantic for this song to apply to you or your friends

When things don't go your way or out of your control, see yourself in the moment. Be angry. Be frustrated. Be exasperated. Be all of those things that make you want to give up and be avarice about the whole situation. If you don't pick yourself up from the broken pieces, the vicious cycle will never end. Find help. Get help. Don't give up. Learn something new. Change your perspective.

Yes; I know it's going to be a challenge. Learn from these things and become a better you. You will find others will hear and see your story, your perseverance, your determination, your compassion and your courage. They will cheer you on, "You go, [your name] You do you!"

I was listening to the Christian radio channel where Pastor Francis Chan made a statement, "You do you is a new Millennial catch phrase to tempt you to do want you want. You're allowing the enemy to conform you to this world..."

Honestly, I was livid after hearing that. That is not Jesus' teaching or is it God's will to control us. I'm not here to give a religious lecture and debate. I can assure you that there are Christians like me, who can see through the lies of these "false prophets and teachers." You don't have to believe in God to see the lies either. Your instincts just tells you, "Man, that doesn't sound right." To be Frank, you're absolutely correct.

We're not meant to be controlled. We're suppose to live among and along with each other - without conflict or animosity. We were born to care, love and support each other. The way I want to be loved is not going to be the same way you want to be loved. We were meant to speak to each other - not silence our voices.

If I have to start a relationship from the beginning, I'll gladly do it in a heartbeat. I'm tired of being treated like dirt. If I have to learn something new to reconcile the relationship, I'd knock down my pride, stop kicking my heels and pay attention. I am tired of fighting for my autonomy as an individual.

Learning something from the beginning isn't all that bad. The nuances that comes with it, gives you a new perspective and builds new memories to keep for a lifetime. If anything, learning in the eyes of a child with awe and wonder is the way to go.

Don't be afraid to learn new things. Hopefully along the way during your learning phase, you have a teacher willing to teach you with patience and compassion. The more you learn about what you can and cannot do, you'll become a more well-rounded person anyone could ever imagine you to be.

Regardless of the circumstances I experience, I am growing and becoming a better person. Maybe one day, I'd be free from pain, suffering and ill-willed life.

I wish the same for you too.


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